Monday, October 19, 2009

Top officials at it again

In the article “Mthethwa racks up another massive hotel bill” in http://Mail and Guardian Online ,the police minister Nathi Mthethwa has been accused yet again of using up the taxpayers money for personal interests, this is not the first accusation of this regard and it has been proven to be true. This just highlights the level of corruption that is present in senior positions, they are taking advantage of their position and abusing the money that they have access to.
In this article the police minister is exposed for spending holidays at expensive hotels with other police members and over days like Christmas and New year claiming to be doing police business. The article has a focus on political parties and what their views are of this situation, instead of trying to eliminate the problem or find the source of the problem, blame is placed upon the current leading party, making it once again a political issue more than it is a crime.
The money spent on the cars and hotel visits is the money that should be given to other police officers who are hard at work but earn peanuts as compared to the minister who is always getting privileges on his job, this article is merely a brief outline of some of the scandals that happen within governmental positions. The question we need to ask ourselves is why these people are abusing their power and why they are constantly voted into these positions.
By Sinayo

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