Friday, October 30, 2009

T a l l s p i r e s. a n d. t r a n q u i l i t y.

B y_K i m b e r l y

The cathedral in High Street stand tall, watching over Grahamstown with a kindly eye. Not being a religious person, I had not been inside the cathedral. On Tuesday morning, I decided to see just what this magnificent building contained.

A grand entrance welcomed me, and I stepped forward, pushing open the heavy wooden door. Inside, was an immediate sense of tranquillity, a stilness in contrast to the rushing traffic just outside. The interior of the cathedral was a sight of grandeur, stain-glass windows letting a spectrum of light into the vast space before me.

The experience was an intriguing one for me, entering such a beautiful place, but having no connection to it as I am not religious. I think I appreciated it more for its architectural value more than anything else.

Tweet: Tall spires and tranquillity: High Street cathedral

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