Friday, October 30, 2009

anyone want to rant a view with me?

Anyone want to join me in ranting my view?
It’s almost exams and I really don’t have the time to be going through blogs. But when I saw the name Rant a View I was impressed and thought to myself, (hmmmmmm this is an unusual name so let me take a look at it and see what it offers).
Well I must say I was impressed with it.
The design is a very simple colour and there is not much going on that would hurt the eye. I like the content of the blog. One can realise that most members are females. The topics they touch on are not really serious, they are things we as university students relate to. Their writing style is very interesting and they do not bore us with details that go on a on without one understanding the point. Most posts are about their personal lives which gives me the idea that they are people who live their lives in an open book manner. They do not hide anything and write what they feel.
There is also a section where they write about politics. The striking thing about this is that they only focus on Jacob Zuma. Is he the only political figure in this country? I cannot clearly decide what their motive for focussing on him is, or is it they hate him and want to put his flaws out there for everyone to see?The writes personalities come through in the blog and one will notice that they are truly different, and this brings excitement to the blog as their different opinions will come through without anyone feeling like they are stepping on each others toes. Read it for yourself and you will be intrigued

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