Thursday, October 29, 2009

T a k e i t f r o m t h e m

B y_K i m b e r l y

Upon opening the blog called “Take it from us”, I was struck by the eccentric, colourful graphics that sat at the head of the page. My first impression had me taking an instantaneous liking to this blog.

The layout and interesting graphics used draw in the youth, aiming at funky designs and a fun, alternative look for what could be a very standard looking blog page. The use of a clipboard as the backdrop for their actual articles adds a twist to how we look at the articles themselves.

The style of writing follows a casual flow, a mixture of colloquialisms and slang that appeals to the student reader. Though the individuality of each blogger is clearly presented through their writing. However, there is an unnecessary lack of spelling and punctuation in many of the posts.

The variation of topics and ideas are innovative and interesting, personal accounts of their world around them. The graphic backdrop definitely stands out to be the blog’s strongpoint. First impressions really can make all the difference. This is a blog that will appeal to the young minds, creating the movement of ideas from one to another.

Tweet: Taking it one step higher, “from us”!

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