Friday, October 30, 2009

I was attracted by the name “young cultures emporium” and once I opened their blog I was invited by a mystic atmosphere filled with a rich glow because of the colour scheme they used for their background, this in itself made me interested in finding out what the blog is about.
I first thought it would just be about general youth issues but after reading a few posts I discovered that it tackled various social issues but in a very relaxed feel that one would not even notice that they are important factors in society. I enjoyed most the post about the “Shebeen Queen” and “Just a thought on Varsity Life”, they tackle real issues and make us realise that as students we are all in the same boat about most issues.
The writing style is all basic and very in touch with the reader, even leaving questions in my mind that persuade me to comment on the posts, that’s just how good it is. The experiences they write about are not typical but actually urge you to read further and the pictures are very convincing of the events.
This blog is very interesting not only for the student blogger, but also for other young people out there who are passionate about some of the issues discussed in the posts. I found that this blog moved way from just being a journalism assignment but created an interesting edge to blogging.. and I urge these bloggers to continue with it.

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