Monday, October 26, 2009

Equality of opportunity”, the true essence of the saying

As an aspiring journalist student it bothers me to see most young people unable to make their way through school because of funding, this seems to be a national issue and although bursaries and loans from the government have been made available it is still not enough to cover for every learner. Even for those people who merely seek skills development there seems to be no attempt made to assist them, more needs to be done if youth development is the main aim of the new government.
Implementing free education at institutions of higher learning may become a bit of a struggle but there should be ways in which more schemes from the government are put in place to accommodate students as one scheme will not be able to cover everyone, a change needs to be made with that.
It is the responsibility of every person to do the best that they can as it is survival of the fittest in this competitive world but a system that caters to everyone should be introduced even if it means free education has to be introduced to level the equality of opportunity, yes, it is up to each learner to work hard but how will this cover everyone if there is a lack of resources and funds? The government needs to again look at how they can assist our leaders of the future, more needs to be done.
By Sinayo

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