Friday, October 30, 2009

A Punitive Sense of Jargon

By Michael Mutizamhepo
The Journalism jargon blog is one that is very discrete; it stands out to be one of a kind. This blog as suggested by the name deals with the jargon that surrounds news. The blog contains information only for the audiences that are interested in understanding what lots of jargon stand for and how such helps us in understanding some kinds of news.

The blog is not is not a hard news blog therefore the target audience for this blog is very selective, this is detrimental to the catchment of the blog because jargon cannot be used in mass media. The jargon that is used in the blog dilutes the news and its value to the reader because some people will not be able to read the information and sometimes the news gets misinterpreted. The use of jargon in telling and retelling news reduces the credibility of the blog and the information becomes unreliable. There are examples like the English Blog were staff member have been fined for the use of jargon. This emphasizes that the use of jargon is not for the mass media.

Regardless of the use of jargon in the blog, the blog is very informative, it takes a tabloid fashion were it tells its audience about the facts that they found about the world. The blog according to my own understanding brings mixed feelings to the audience as to whether it is good piece of work or just mediocre. My judgment would be that the blog serves ‘its’ audience but not the mass media.

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