Saturday, September 26, 2009

w h a t . i s. a r t ?

Tweet: What makes today's news? You decide.

B y_K i m b e r l y

I love to be creative. Wondering around little streets and discovering interesting shops and alternative art galleries. But what makes art? A blog is a means of personal expression, as is art. Does that make a blog art? There is an everlasting debate about what makes art. Who decides? In the same way, we can look at the concept of “news”. Something that we are bombarded with throughout our daily lives. What makes an item news, and who decides this?

Our blog aims to expose its readers to the world of news, but at the same time opening the topic of news up for discussion. Have your say on whether you think what we’re discussing on our blog, really is news. After all, news can differ from culture to culture, as can art. Art serves a functional purpose in some African tribal societies, whereas in the western culture, it is made purely for observation and contemplation. News can differ and change in the same way.

I want this blog to be interesting; I want it to inspire creative thoughts, and creative responses. It is after all, a way of bringing together Journalism students worldwide, bringing together a myriad of ideas, opinions and cultures. We are addressing world issues in our blog, which makes it easy for anyone to contribute their thoughts to our page. World Issue Gossiping is about addressing worldwide news issues with a difference. Taking out some of the politics and introducing some of the fun.

The blog addresses a range of topics, though mainly focusing on sport, environmental issues, and of course, worldwide current events. My interest lies in the world of fauna and flora, and just how many magnificent creatures we have in this world, and how we have to learn to embrace and appreciate our special biodiversity. I aim to promote awareness about this through the blog, and would love to hear stories, comments and thoughts about the wildlife in your country, perhaps you can create some exposure to through putting the information out there for others like us to become aware of.

They say “safety in numbers”, but power in numbers too. The more people get involved, the better chance we have of starting the process of changing our ways in this world. “Every individual can make a difference.” – Jane Goodall, world renowned Primatologist and animal rights activist.

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