Monday, September 28, 2009

'gossip' or news?

By Tinashe Michael Mutizamhepo
Is there supposed to be a difference between the term ‘gossip’ and news? Well in my opinion that is a question you as the audience really have got to answer. I am going to use this blog as a tool to communicate to you and find out what you think about various issues in the world whether they should be news or gossip or both! There is always news that surrounds the art of music and its different genres, now to be at service to your needs, I am going to cover all the genres to make you have a broad base of analysis. So let me be at your service all the way!
As a journalist who intends to be doing more of in-depth interviews and feature stories in the future as a journalist, I will not hesitate to drive you in a direction that satisfies all your questions. I am going to keep the world informed with the latest news about your favourite artists. This includes the ‘hottest’ shows around the world and news that surrounds all these shows and the artists.
This group blog is aimed at covering world issues in terms of all the political dimensions of the world, the environment that we live and the news that surround it. For instance ‘we’ as responsible citizens of the whole world would not just stand and watch the world deteriorate due to global warming. So we will excavate the issues behind the issues. Plus in the blog we shall not hesitate to feed you our audience with the latest gossip from around the world and by doing so we let you decide whether the news that we publish is gossip or just news... This therefore means that there is going to be wide coverage on the world wide phenomenonal experiences that we think might arouse your enthusiasm. Also not forgetting music and other entertainment news, things like your favourite artists latest albums, we will be the first to give them to you!
Use of the blog as a tool does not mean licence to abuse. I will not publish news that is not double-verified. Nor will I publish news from secondary or tertiary sources. That is why we always tell you where the published information is gotten from. So that you know we are not speculating, therefore you get to know that, “it is purely gossip and not a rumour.”
I am expecting reciprocation from my audience your input to this blog is of importance and by the way, you can start following now!

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