Monday, September 28, 2009

Debate is passion

by Sinayo

I love debate, I love issues surrounding politics, current affairs and anything that involves people and how they view the world, but should that really be what Journalism is about? Journalism broadens our understanding of the world, the people, and everyone’s role in society, the aim is to know more about the political world to ensure critical thinking. This blog offers just that, stories on environmental issues, the broad sense of the word where it covers everything from media, politics right down through to the natural environment, the idea is to cater to everyone as we all have different interests and should find out more about them.
The interest of current affairs is not one that is just understood by journalism students but everyone who is interested in participating in issues that could affect them at some point in their lives. I love the world around us, the way it works and why certain things turn out the way they do, it is great to have debates about the world around us and to analyse why things should be a certain way and who should decide why things are done that way. This blog aims to reach out to people, hear their views that are often neglected and it is also a place where there isn’t particularly a right or wrong answer but a battle of opinions which promotes intellectual and emotional participation from people of all ages. It is aimed to bring together people of all ages at a place where they can reach common ground because of discussing issues that are relevant and affect everyone. This is also a very personal aim to bridge the gap that occurs between people of different age groups because of the generation gap, for journalism is not about satisfying one group of people, I am a journalist that believes that if we all take interest in current issues it will be an important step towards intellectual capacity.
I hope that everyone will find it challenging to debate on issues that I will provide to you and that this will prove to be exciting and maybe even change most of our views of what journalism is about for the better. I am looking forward to this new chapter of involving people in things that matter to them, after all journalism is about the people, their lives so they deserve to have a say too.

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