Monday, September 28, 2009

Expresso by Kabelo

My mind is full of things, things I want to say. Things that drive me absolutely crazy that I feel like screaming when I think about them. I have so much to say, but there is no platform for me to say it. I sometimes have to contain my thoughts because they are sometimes things society deem inappropriate. Blogging will help me vent, help me say things without the fear that people will judge their content.

The world is full of so many beautiful things, so many sights to visit to appreciate nature and what it has to offer. But sometimes we miss the beauty of nature and life because there are so many problems in the world that dampen peoples’ spirit and stop them from living life to the fullest. Our blog is going to touch on all fields of life and everything that happens in this world. It is a place for people to express themselves in ways that won’t limit them. There are a lot of things that make people unhappy, be it politics or their personal lives. What we aim to do in this blog is provide people with information and also let them add whatever they want to it.

Journalism means a lot to me because it is a chance for me to tell people stories that will somehow change their lives. I realize that I am not important as a journalist but the job that I do is more important than me. The blog will have contents that will help people feel like they relate to what is written, capture things and moments that they never thought they would discover in their own space. Being a journalist involves more than reporting stories about the here and now, but it is more about tapping into ones emotions and feeling what you are writing as something that has a lot of substance.
This blog is going to appeal to universal people, those who can’t live without getting daily news. The main focus of it is going to be gossip because it is a very intriguing genre and people love scandals. Although it is going to be a fun blog that has issues that excite people, it will also include important facts. There are a lot of things that are happening in the world, things that do make society happy. A lot of scandals are out there and there are lies that are being told to the people. There is a lie that needs to be exposed, and exposing such things is what will make me happy.

1 comment:

  1. i second you on the point of expression, because i am of the notion that no one should be afraid to cough out even the one word to the world if that is what you want to say....
