Monday, September 28, 2009

Debate is passion

by Sinayo

I love debate, I love issues surrounding politics, current affairs and anything that involves people and how they view the world, but should that really be what Journalism is about? Journalism broadens our understanding of the world, the people, and everyone’s role in society, the aim is to know more about the political world to ensure critical thinking. This blog offers just that, stories on environmental issues, the broad sense of the word where it covers everything from media, politics right down through to the natural environment, the idea is to cater to everyone as we all have different interests and should find out more about them.
The interest of current affairs is not one that is just understood by journalism students but everyone who is interested in participating in issues that could affect them at some point in their lives. I love the world around us, the way it works and why certain things turn out the way they do, it is great to have debates about the world around us and to analyse why things should be a certain way and who should decide why things are done that way. This blog aims to reach out to people, hear their views that are often neglected and it is also a place where there isn’t particularly a right or wrong answer but a battle of opinions which promotes intellectual and emotional participation from people of all ages. It is aimed to bring together people of all ages at a place where they can reach common ground because of discussing issues that are relevant and affect everyone. This is also a very personal aim to bridge the gap that occurs between people of different age groups because of the generation gap, for journalism is not about satisfying one group of people, I am a journalist that believes that if we all take interest in current issues it will be an important step towards intellectual capacity.
I hope that everyone will find it challenging to debate on issues that I will provide to you and that this will prove to be exciting and maybe even change most of our views of what journalism is about for the better. I am looking forward to this new chapter of involving people in things that matter to them, after all journalism is about the people, their lives so they deserve to have a say too.

Expresso by Kabelo

My mind is full of things, things I want to say. Things that drive me absolutely crazy that I feel like screaming when I think about them. I have so much to say, but there is no platform for me to say it. I sometimes have to contain my thoughts because they are sometimes things society deem inappropriate. Blogging will help me vent, help me say things without the fear that people will judge their content.

The world is full of so many beautiful things, so many sights to visit to appreciate nature and what it has to offer. But sometimes we miss the beauty of nature and life because there are so many problems in the world that dampen peoples’ spirit and stop them from living life to the fullest. Our blog is going to touch on all fields of life and everything that happens in this world. It is a place for people to express themselves in ways that won’t limit them. There are a lot of things that make people unhappy, be it politics or their personal lives. What we aim to do in this blog is provide people with information and also let them add whatever they want to it.

Journalism means a lot to me because it is a chance for me to tell people stories that will somehow change their lives. I realize that I am not important as a journalist but the job that I do is more important than me. The blog will have contents that will help people feel like they relate to what is written, capture things and moments that they never thought they would discover in their own space. Being a journalist involves more than reporting stories about the here and now, but it is more about tapping into ones emotions and feeling what you are writing as something that has a lot of substance.
This blog is going to appeal to universal people, those who can’t live without getting daily news. The main focus of it is going to be gossip because it is a very intriguing genre and people love scandals. Although it is going to be a fun blog that has issues that excite people, it will also include important facts. There are a lot of things that are happening in the world, things that do make society happy. A lot of scandals are out there and there are lies that are being told to the people. There is a lie that needs to be exposed, and exposing such things is what will make me happy.

'gossip' or news?

By Tinashe Michael Mutizamhepo
Is there supposed to be a difference between the term ‘gossip’ and news? Well in my opinion that is a question you as the audience really have got to answer. I am going to use this blog as a tool to communicate to you and find out what you think about various issues in the world whether they should be news or gossip or both! There is always news that surrounds the art of music and its different genres, now to be at service to your needs, I am going to cover all the genres to make you have a broad base of analysis. So let me be at your service all the way!
As a journalist who intends to be doing more of in-depth interviews and feature stories in the future as a journalist, I will not hesitate to drive you in a direction that satisfies all your questions. I am going to keep the world informed with the latest news about your favourite artists. This includes the ‘hottest’ shows around the world and news that surrounds all these shows and the artists.
This group blog is aimed at covering world issues in terms of all the political dimensions of the world, the environment that we live and the news that surround it. For instance ‘we’ as responsible citizens of the whole world would not just stand and watch the world deteriorate due to global warming. So we will excavate the issues behind the issues. Plus in the blog we shall not hesitate to feed you our audience with the latest gossip from around the world and by doing so we let you decide whether the news that we publish is gossip or just news... This therefore means that there is going to be wide coverage on the world wide phenomenonal experiences that we think might arouse your enthusiasm. Also not forgetting music and other entertainment news, things like your favourite artists latest albums, we will be the first to give them to you!
Use of the blog as a tool does not mean licence to abuse. I will not publish news that is not double-verified. Nor will I publish news from secondary or tertiary sources. That is why we always tell you where the published information is gotten from. So that you know we are not speculating, therefore you get to know that, “it is purely gossip and not a rumour.”
I am expecting reciprocation from my audience your input to this blog is of importance and by the way, you can start following now!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

w h a t . i s. a r t ?

Tweet: What makes today's news? You decide.

B y_K i m b e r l y

I love to be creative. Wondering around little streets and discovering interesting shops and alternative art galleries. But what makes art? A blog is a means of personal expression, as is art. Does that make a blog art? There is an everlasting debate about what makes art. Who decides? In the same way, we can look at the concept of “news”. Something that we are bombarded with throughout our daily lives. What makes an item news, and who decides this?

Our blog aims to expose its readers to the world of news, but at the same time opening the topic of news up for discussion. Have your say on whether you think what we’re discussing on our blog, really is news. After all, news can differ from culture to culture, as can art. Art serves a functional purpose in some African tribal societies, whereas in the western culture, it is made purely for observation and contemplation. News can differ and change in the same way.

I want this blog to be interesting; I want it to inspire creative thoughts, and creative responses. It is after all, a way of bringing together Journalism students worldwide, bringing together a myriad of ideas, opinions and cultures. We are addressing world issues in our blog, which makes it easy for anyone to contribute their thoughts to our page. World Issue Gossiping is about addressing worldwide news issues with a difference. Taking out some of the politics and introducing some of the fun.

The blog addresses a range of topics, though mainly focusing on sport, environmental issues, and of course, worldwide current events. My interest lies in the world of fauna and flora, and just how many magnificent creatures we have in this world, and how we have to learn to embrace and appreciate our special biodiversity. I aim to promote awareness about this through the blog, and would love to hear stories, comments and thoughts about the wildlife in your country, perhaps you can create some exposure to through putting the information out there for others like us to become aware of.

They say “safety in numbers”, but power in numbers too. The more people get involved, the better chance we have of starting the process of changing our ways in this world. “Every individual can make a difference.” – Jane Goodall, world renowned Primatologist and animal rights activist.